The Master’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering is aimed at training professional figures with solid competencies in Information Engineering and a specific education in one of the sectors into which the ample disciplinary sector of Telecommunications is divided. Starting from a solid background in mathematics-physics and engineering disciplines, necessary for the admission to the programme, this Master’s programme intends to deepen theoretical-scientific aspects related to the distinctive disciplinary sectors and give the necessary knowledge and competence to develop advanced project management skills, referring to high complexity systems that require innovative solutions for products and/or services.
As a continuation of the evolution of the recent years and taking into account the reference professional areas, the course offers a privileged didactic pathway for the characterization, design and management of ICT infrastructures (“pervasive ICT infrastructures”), which provide support for the most modern network applications (broadband services for users, industrial automation, automotive, intelligent buildings, smart grids, etc.). Essentially, the attention is focused on the increasingly pervasive, articulated and heterogeneous network infrastructure, which is the basis of the IoT paradigm (Internet-of-Things) and the world of networked systems and cyber-physical systems.
Assuming that students already have mastery of the basic aspects regarding signals, systems, and telecommunications networks, the curriculum offers:
- teaching modules belonging to the distinctive disciplines of Telecommunications Engineering, such as: numerical transmission systems, propagation models and communication systems modeling, wireless communication systems, architectures and protocols for broadband networks and software defined, photonic networks, signal processing and multimedia applications, remote sensing systems, antenna systems and electromagnetic design techniques;
- teaching modules belonging to related or supplementary engineering areas, such as: digital electronic systems, software engineering, embedded software architectures, stochastic models for networks and methods for controlling and optimizing network resources, models and methods for the environmental impact of radio systems;
- specific in-depth analysis of basic disciplines, such as combinatorial mathematics, coding theory, cryptographic algorithms, operational research and optimization;
- further possibility for students to choose training activities comprising the improvement of a foreign language, the acquisition of professional contents and the in-depth analysis of business organization (singularly or jointly matchable with work experiences and internships in Italy or abroad, at companies and universities).
The course of study is characterized by the combination of theoretical and methodological aspects of telecommunication systems with advanced competencies on the modern HW and SW technologies for the development and implementation of solutions. In this respect, it is worth noting how our degree program has anticipated current trends by introducing a module of embedded systems long time ago. The curricula include participation in project works and explicit presence of an advanced lab module with an adequate number of academic credits during the second year.
Students have the possibility to choose between two main curricula: “Technologies for Internet and Aerospace”, which builds a path more oriented towards telecommunication infrastructures, and “Networks and Services”, which is more oriented towards internetworking aspects.
The Master’s degree program in Telecommunications Engineering concludes with a final deliverable, concerning relevant project and/or research activities, which show the mastery of the subject, the ability to work autonomously, and adequate communication skills.
Both for the final internship and for the project works within the ordinary activities provided by the various teaching modules, the course of study offers a wide range of opportunities with the presence of the Laboratory of Signals, Systems and Technologies, the Laboratory of Telecommunications associated with the CISCO Networking Academy, the INCIPICT WOC – Wireless Optical Convergence – Lab, and the National Laboratory for Advanced Optical Fibers for Photonics.
It is important to underline the availability of several research projects at the DISIM Department and the Centre of Excellence DEWS (Seaport art. 10, PRIN GRETA, INCIPICT, RIDITT projects, ARTEMIS projects, industrial contracts, etc.) that guarantee the possibility to carry out experimental activities in advanced contexts.
Furthermore, internships are available at several companies agreed upon at national level (e.g. Selex ES, Thales Italia, Thales Alenia Space, Telespazio, Telecom Italia, Intecs-Technolabs, etc.) and abroad (ABB and Ericsson Research in Sweden, Nokia-Siemens Networks in Denmark, etc, also through the ERASMUS Traineeship). The student mobility experience is generally promoted within the ERASMUS and ERASMUS Placement agreements. It is possible to carry out the internship at foreign universities (e.g. KTH Stockholm, University of Aalborg, Technical University of Berlin, Instituto Superiore Tecnico of Lisbon, ENST of Rennes, AGH in Krakow, Polytechnic University of Catalonia), with which there are ongoing collaborations for the attainment of the double degree.
At last, initiatives aimed at i) improving internationalization, ii) organizing a research-oriented education iii) formalizing the insertion into the world of labour through higher and degree apprenticeships, have been activated. In relation to the first point, the course of study has given availability to host foreign students in the context of the mobility programs ERASMUS, ERASMUS Mundus (e.g. Euroweb) and TEMPUS, and decided to carry out the entire teaching activity in English starting from the academic year 2005-2006, fully opening the enrollment of international students. In relation to the second point, a path of Excellence (PEP) has been launched in cyber physical systems, organized by means of specific regulations in the context of an international initiative, and, in relation to the third point, a business apprenticeship programme is now active and operational.