The course requires the student has knowledge of the basic concepts of electromagnetism and signal analysis in time and frequency domains.
Fundamentals of measurement theory:
The International System of the measurement units; the measurement process; numerical representation of the measurement result; errors and uncertainties; accuracy and precision of the measurement instruments; measurement methods; estimation of the final uncertainty of the measurement result.
General architecture of a Telecommunication System and its configuration: System, Segment, Apparatus, Functional Block, Device; Configuration Item.
Main quantities to be measured in a TLC System:
Physical quantities, electrical quantities, signal parameters; interfaces and significant measurement points; measurements in time domain, in frequency domain, in modulation domain.
Scope of the measurement activity at different levels during the system lifetime:
During experimental activity, during design activity, during project verification, during project validation, during qualification and certification of the system.
Measurement of RF power:
Matching conditions and maximum power transfer; average power, envelope power, peak power; power meters.
Vector Network analyzer.
Spectral analysis of signals:
Frequency conversion spectrum analyzer; Fast Fourier Transform analyzer; definitions of bandwidth of a signal; measurement of a signal bandwidth.
Vector Modulation Analyzer.
Oscilloscope as a meter.
Measurements on modulated signals.
Measurements of linearity and nonlinearity parameters of amplifier stages.
Noise Figure measurements.
Measurements of operational parameters of receiving chains.
Measurements of operational parameters of transmitting chains.
Assessment methods
The final verification test consists of an oral exam where measurement problems related to the developed program will be discussed.
During the course development the student will execute laboratory practices and will be encouraged and addressed to carry out at least one technical report to be presented and discussed during the final exam.